Saturday, September 29, 2012

HaPpy, HaPpY.....

                                                                    Joy, jOy
                                   I am so happy that I sold both of my haLloWeEn items!!!!
                        I am going to paint two more items for halloween then it is on to ChRisTmAs!!!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


                                               well I finally finished my bench and here it is

                            this is a FabuLous Terrye French design and I had a blast painting it
                                                it will be up for sale on E-bay tomm


Good Morning....

I am still working on my bench. It is taking longer than usual because I have been sick with a terrible cold. Also I have been having problems with my laptop. I need to get a new cord so it stays charged. I will have my bench done today and hopefully will be able to post pics tonight. hope everyone is having a good week!


Friday, September 14, 2012

bEncH WIP....

                                           getting a little further on my bench with a
                                      Terrye French
                                       design, hopefully by Sunday it will be all done....


Monday, September 10, 2012


not the greatest pic, this is how far I got yesturday. Would probably get farther if I didn't have music videos post more pics tomm.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good Morning......

                                          Trying to get back into the sWiNg of things
yesturday I crawled up into the attic and got ALL my boxes of Halloween and Christmas craft stuff down and set up a table in my bedroom to paint on. A few years back I bought tWo BeNcHes to paint on but just never found what I wanted to paint on them until NoW......I found the perfect Halloween pattern by Terrye French to put on one of them, the other one will be a Christmas one.
Here is the first WIP photo.......I will post more WIP as I go.
