Tuesday, August 20, 2013
huge "sigh"
things around my household never calm down. My husband is in the hospital once again. I have had no time to do any art. We are remoldeling our home by ourselves and we also babysit out 2 yr old granddaughter so we try to get some things done before we have to watch her. With all of my disabilities from my car accident it is very hard for me physically to do all these things but lord knows I try. I have maybe 2 days to myself which then I try to work on art or the house. I did create a board on pinterest of some of my work if you care to take a look. I hope to have some new items for Christmas to sell on E-bay. My daughter starts college in September and then I will have all day to myself to play since my granddaughter will be at her aunties for the days my daughter has classes to give this old lady a break. I can handle watching her 6-8 hrs a day but not 15-18. I look forward to sharing some new work soon. Please bare with me while I try to get my life and family back in order. http://pinterest.com/reppiks327/codys-keepsakes-kathrens-board/
Friday, July 26, 2013
more past work......
more pictures of my past work that I thought I would share. I am going to try and paint today. I started a project about 2 months ago but since I have been sick and on bed rest I haven't been able to work on it. Have a great day!!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
long week....
last week was a long week for me.....I spent 4 days in the hospital with a blood clot in my leg and some other complications from the injuries I received in my near fatal car accident last Nov. But I am home now and have been getting better. We finally finished remodeling the living room and got the house somewhat back in order. I started a few new items which will hopefully be ready by next week. Right now I am working on items that I am donating to a relay for life cancer show for a friend, her son passed away from brain cancer. After those items are done and finished I will get back to work on items I plan to put on e-bay. I am also going to start getting things around to finish my studio. I pretty much know everything I would like to do and the colors I want. I can't wait until it is all done. I hope everyone had a safe and happy, fun July 4th weekend.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I have been absent for a bit. We have been remodeling the house. The first room was the living room. The next project will be my studio. I can't wait to get back to work.
toodles, Kathren
toodles, Kathren
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
We have been pretty busy here at home. Today my Studio arrived. I am so excited. Before I can start doing anything to it we have to wait until the Living room is all done. Right now it is all stripped right down to the studs. My honey is doing the wiring and adding instillation. Then the drywall guy will be here Monday. Then we will paint it. THEN my honey has to do the electrical work and instillation in my studio and drywall it and then we can paint it and start filling it with all my craft stuff that is in the attic. I have so many ideas I'm going nuts.
Side viewFront view, I just love the french doors.
We painted the front porch last week and I love it. I bought a bunch metal stars and painted them white instead of painting them. Need a few more decorations and it will be complete. We also painted the floor red.
I am still working on the table top I started painting. Worked on it some yesterday then we had company. But I'll be back at it today. Hope everyone is having a great week.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Good Morning....
Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
found this lil beauty at our local thrift store. I decided to paint a Terrye French design on it.
Here is a WIP photo of how far I got. Plan to work on it some more today.
I started painting on it yesterday.
Have a great day!!!!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Good Morning.......
Had an awesome weekend!!! Me and my honey went antiquing in MI. and OH. Found some cool things for the house. And some neat little things to paint on. Today I am going to work on my table that I am painting for the front porch.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day!!!
I hope everyone has a great day!!!! I am spending the day with my great kids, granddaughter and parents and making lasagna!!!! Wanted to grill outside and have a nice day on the patio but this MI. weather is crazy and we had to turn the heaters on.
Friday, May 10, 2013
I just want to say THANK YOU to all the people who entered my giveaways and WELCOME to all the NEW followers. Thank you for stopping by!!! Now that I am getting some of my energy back and I am able to sit longer I will be creating more. I will also be having more giveaways to try to bring in more followers. Have a great day!!!!
The Winner is....
KELLY DONOVAN..........I will email you with details!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Please stop by her wonderful blog and congratulate her... http://knittingandthings.com/
I hope you like it. Thank you for entering.
I hope you like it. Thank you for entering.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
One More Day.....
until the winner is announced for my second giveaway.....Its a Great HallOwEeN piece. Its easy to enter. Going to work on some new pieces today. Hopefully will have one done by the beginning of the week. Hope everyone has a great day.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
and the WINNER is....
LYNN BARBADORA from Painting Thyme Needfuls....I will email you with details!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Please stop by her wonderful blog and congratulate her...
Friday is the next drawing for my oil can giveaway don't forget to enter....
Friday is the next drawing for my oil can giveaway don't forget to enter....
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
OnE dAy LEFT.......
today is the last day to enter my SNOWMAN giveaway....its easy to enter!!!!! Been busy here around the house sprucing things up outside and painting. Can't wait to get back in the studio!!!
Have a great day!!!!
Have a great day!!!!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
GreAt FiND....
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Second give away..
and as promised here is my second give away....I painted 3 kitties on a vintage oil can and hanging from the top are two handmade polymer clay kitties.
It just take 3 easy steps to ENTER this giveaway.
1) You must be a follower of my Blog
2) Post about my giveaway on YOUR blog
3) leave a comment on this post with your name and e-mail adress.
This Give away will end on
May 10th, 2013
Thank you!!!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
So as PrOmIsEd...Here is the first of the TWO giveaways I am having this week!!!! I just love this SnOwmAn. He always brings a smile to my face. I hope he will for you too!!!!!

It just take 3 easy steps to ENTER this giveaway.
1) You must be a follower of my Blog
2) Post about my giveaway on YOUR blog
3) leave a comment on this post with your name and e-mail address.
NOW...wasnt that easy!!!! I will post my other giveaway on FRIDAY....hint: it will be a HaLlOwEen piece!!!
Also may I ask that people be patient with me. After moving to our new house a year ago and then some health issues with my husband and then my tragic car accident things are just now starting to get back to normal. I can not wait to work on my art some more as long as my body allows me too. I am really excited about working again and posting on e-bay. Thank you and have a great day!!!!
Monday, April 22, 2013
I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong on my blog or if it has to do with me not posting in awhile due to some major health issues. I have very few followers and no comments EVER!!! That is why I am going to have 2 giveaways this week. I am trying to get back to my art and hoping to get more followers and exposure. Can someone please tell me if I am doing something wrong please...
Thank You
Thank You
Friday, April 19, 2013
I had planned on having a give away this week but unfortunately I ended up in the hospital on Monday and was just released Thursday. I apologize. SO Monday I will be having TWO give aways.....THATS RIGHT!!!!! TWO!!! It will be simple to enter. 1)you must be a follower 2) mention my give away on your blog if you have one and 3) leave me a comment. Easy as 1,2,3.
Have a great weekend!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
new work......
Started working on this vintage oil can last October before my car accident. It is now ready for auction. I hand painted 3 kitties all around the base. Two handmade polymer clay kitties hang from the top of the can with a piece of burlap string. This will be up for auction on E-bay tomm. afternoon. If anyone is interested in it before than please leave me a comment. Cost is $25.00.
Also next week I will be having a free give away so stay tuned!!!! hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, April 8, 2013
to get back to normal....Things in my life are actually starting to get back to normal. My physical rehab is going good and I am starting to walk a little more with a walker and a cane. I am also making plans for a new studio which will be outside of my house. I can not wait to start decorating and get back to creating again. I will also have a item up for auction at the end of this week on E-bay. I look forward to creating again and focusing more on my art and blog.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
been awhile....
I am still recovering from my accident in Nov. 2012. I was finally able to start putting weight on my legs 2 weeks ago and start walking which felt good. I am now doing outpatient therapy. I am still in a lot of pain but happy to be alive. So enough on that and on to my art, I brought some of my paints and stuff downstairs so I could start painting. I couldn't resist all the new spring patterns out there by Terrye French. I will post new items as I finish them. This summer I hope to start on my new studio in my daughters old room. I have so many ideas that I want to do. When I am able to start this venture I will post pictures of the remodel.
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