I received this award from sonia at http://darkravensnest.blogspot.com/... I love it....ok hope these are n0t supposed to be just one word answers......
1 Where is your cell phone? table
2 Your hair? red
3 Your mother? not there
4 Your father? not there
5 Your Favorite food? mexican
6 Your dream last night? weird
7 Your favorite drink? beer...lol
8 Your dream/goal? own shop
9 What room are you in? living room
10 Your hobby? art
11 Your fear? spiders....ewwww
12 Where do you want to be in six years? happy
13 Where were you last night? home
14 Something that you aren't? outgoing
15 Muffins? love
16 Wish list item? go to Myrtles plantation
7 Where did you grow up? Michigan
8 Last thing you did? blog
19 What are you wearing? clothes.....dah
20 Your Tv? on
21 Your pets? chihuahua(diego)shih tzu(karmin)cat(chico) man(skip)
22 Friends? some
23 Your life? pretty good
24 Your mood? good(so far)
25 Missing someone? yes (son)
26 Vehical? truck,firebird,van,kia sportage
27 Something your not wearing? slippers
28 Your favorite store? barnes and noble
29 Your favorite color? hunter green
30 When was the last time you laughed? doing this
31 Last time you cried? few days ago
32 Your best friend? skip
33 One place that I go over and over? bathroom...LOL ok studio
34 One person who Emails you regularly? skip
35 Favorite place to eat? wow...ummmm- tonys
well I hope I won't break any rules here but I can't add six people because I know of so many that do not accept awards! so I hope no one is offended.....I had a blast doing this though....thanks sonia.