Saturday, June 20, 2009

GrEat Day!!!

Today has been pretty GoOd. I fEel so much better! So I finally fInisHed my FranKensteIn that I started before I Got sIck. I PoSted 2 pIcs. He is made of PolyMer ClAY and is abOut 5in tall. I will list him when SEHA grOup has their HalLowEen saLe. Along with a fEw other items I plan to haVe finisHed. Sooooo while FraNk was in the oven. I went Looking for a Charcoal Print I had started over a YeAr ago and would like to finiSh (of and angel and baby walking...reminds me of my son)and I found the very fIrst charCoal print I did when I was in CollEge. So Iposted thAt also. Since I am new to bLogging not alot of people kNow my art or what I do. Hope I didn't bore you too mUch.

Friday, June 19, 2009


oK So I have been sick for like the last 2 weeks!!! I finally went to the DR. on weds and found out I have a pretty bad sinus infection.......I won't bore you with the details....ewWwwwwWWW!!! So yesturday I felt better good but not quite good enough for the studio....toDaY ALOT better!! But the question came I clean the house( I am somewhat of a clean freak) OR do I go in the studio??? OH the irony!!! Well needless to say the house won...laundry, dusting, etc etc... Tommorrow though I will venture into the studio....OH YES I WILL!!!! I started a frankenstein sculpt with polymer clay before I got sick!!! The SEHA group is going to have a major sale on EBAY so I would like to have several pieces ready for this......I will of course post pics. And I kinda gave up on pics of my lil eCEntrIc gUy!!! I just can't seem to get good pics of him that show all the details that I would like! Ok so I am raMbLing on so I will close for now.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

GivAwaY At PjS

OK so I totally LoVe givaways!!! Go check out the fanTastic art on the site and enter to win one of her FabUlous pieces of Art!!! Don't forget....Tell all your Friends!!!
Ok So Today Started off pretty good!! Took the caMera and got some pics of my sculpt...Had to take them inside because it is cold and yucky outside(Michigan---gotta love it) satisfied with that I went into the studio and started scUlpTing!! Then I thought well I am going to take pics of the stUdiO so everyone can At least see where I do my work!!! Did that. Came downstairs after a few HoUrs to add my Pics to my Blog and Guess WHAT???? Deee Daa Deee da Deee!!! NO FRICKEN memory card in the camera.....OY!!!!!! So I haD to sTart over(The cable to the Camera is somewhere in the BlaCk Hole). So I took all my pics over......needless to say by then it was a bit too Dark to get any pics of my sculpt!!!!....Ohhhhh The irony. Well mayBe tomm. Because NOW I am DeTeRmined to get good pics of Him. This is the entrance to The BlAcK HoLe(my daughters room) We only go in there when NeCeSSarY......or our dishes are MisSiNg!!! Love The Halloween sign!(founf it at MicHaels craft Store)
These Are pics of my StUdiO...I figured I would let EvEryOne see where I try to be CrEaTive!! My Hubby Is the one who made the counters, shelves etc. and drywalled it for me. Then when I was in the Hospital he painted IT fOr me(the YelloW....always sUnnY in there). I added all the Extras. That area is basically My StoCk area.

This is my PaiNtIng area(wIth A pic Of ChucK--hubba hubba---LidDell..UFC fighter)

This is the area where I add all the final ToUches to my aRt!!!

This is where I should have a sink that works....but Its being UsEd as Storage for now until the mAn gets around to adding PlUmbInG to it. Behind the Door is the DreadEd StorAge area(I'll Have to venture in There ShortLy).

And this is where I do aLl my Clay(sCulpTing) at.
Below is the OverSeeEeeeer of My sTudio.....My veRy firSt scuLpt!!!

Well I hope eVeryOne had A proDuctiVe weekEnd!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

ECeNtRic OlD Guy

Well The picture isnt the greatest!! Its not that sunny here today. I will get better pics of him tomm...... hopefully. SoOo when I started this guy I didn' t really have anything in mind. BuT as I continued on with him I kept thinking about when I was younger and would go TrIcK-Or-TrEaTiNg in our neighborhood. Which was out in the country so houses were few and far in BeTwEen! There was this one house wAaAaAy down the road that all the kids just kNeW was HaUnTed. No one wanted to go up to the door but with some BrIbiNg one of us always went up there. After kNoCking 4 or 5 times the door flung open and there he was........(see pic above) a older "EceNtric" GeNtlEmAn with his buCket full Of ApPles and His hair blowIn in the Wind. We never did eat thOse apples kNowing for sure they WeRe pOison.
You can't see alot of the details in the pic but he is wearing a purple velvet shirt with a black LeAthEr vest, BlAck pants and a black cape. He is wearing A PuRplE bowtie with his bone NecKlace and sKull on a Chain. His shoes are black with leather straps and SkUllS. His waLkiNg stick is just that A sTicK with a skuLl on top and bones danGliNg from it. I felt alot better today and had to kinda FoRcE myself in the studio just so I felT like MysElf again. I'm Glad I did!!! Now for A nice qUiet eVening!!! Hope all is well in your ParT of The worLd!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

SnEeK pEeK

Well I haven't been able to aCcOmPliSh what I wanted too so far this week due to being a bit uNder the weatTHer. But I thought I would give a little "sneek-peek" into the sculpt I have been working on. Its a picture of his hat. It is made out of pOlYmEr clAy with a strip of dark blue(almost purple-ish) velvet material around it that the skulls are attached to. I hope to work on him some more this weekend!!!