Saturday, December 18, 2010
about throwing in the towel. I'm not getting any response on my art on my blog, ebay or facebook!!! Really dont know what to do anymore. Just very discouraging. I just posted 7 items on ebay and the highest look I got was 24. I just dont get it. I've asked for advice and encouragment and I am just not getting any. Just very tired!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
not much time.....
Great items for a great price!!!
Great items for a great price!!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Need some....
I feel like my art is going downhill.
I know I need to concentrate on different areas of
advertising as far as my etsy, ebay and post more on my blog.
So I am asking for some advice on how to get motivated.
Thank you tOoDleS....Kathren
I feel like my art is going downhill.
I know I need to concentrate on different areas of
advertising as far as my etsy, ebay and post more on my blog.
So I am asking for some advice on how to get motivated.
Thank you tOoDleS....Kathren
Thursday, November 25, 2010
HaPpY TuRkeY Day!!!
Haven't posted in awhile. Life is a mess right now but I'm trying to get back in the groove of things. I am very thankful for all my friends real and cyber ones. I want to thank all the troops for everything they do and all our in my prayers. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
cHeEse and RiCe.....
haven't been on e-bay in awhile and I guess the punishment was it took me over an hour to list my moOn MaN!! Had to call them to verify my identity then they wouldn't let me post because Iwas trying to give free shipping and for some reason it wouldn't let me....after a few choice words and almost throwing things I finally was able to post two items.
I am also going to start adding things to my Etsy store. I have been very neglectful of posting items on my blog and etsy. I just haven't been very healthy these last few weeks and hopefully with the meds I'm on now will help. Christmas is only a few months away and I will admit it is my favorite time of year and I love making things for Christmas. So I need to get the lead out of my booty and get to work. So watch for new items!!!
I am also going to start adding things to my Etsy store. I have been very neglectful of posting items on my blog and etsy. I just haven't been very healthy these last few weeks and hopefully with the meds I'm on now will help. Christmas is only a few months away and I will admit it is my favorite time of year and I love making things for Christmas. So I need to get the lead out of my booty and get to work. So watch for new items!!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Here is a little pEeK at what I have been doing in the StUdIo. I know the pics are not that great!! I have been working with a new program and trying to figure it out(UGH) It is really trying my PaTieNcE!!! Hopefully I can figure it out a little better, then I will post some better pics.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
some WIP....
Finally made it in the studio and this is what I started!! Its a candle stick about 10" high. I am going to add a wooden ball on top as a moon but am undecided on if I want to paint it or cover it with paperclay(leaning towards paperclay) there will be bats, a tree and an owl. SOOO fun!!!
I am so glad my honey is a flea market junkie, look at the box of goodies he got for me!!! love him!!! OHHH the possibilitys!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Lots of GoOdieS
Hope everyone had a safe and happy LaBor Day!!! I labored for 2 days in the studio....organizing and trashing alot of stuff. My daughter, Kaitlyn just moved out so we are turning her bedroom into a office!! But on to the goodies!!! My honey loves LOVES flea markets and goes to the one in town every weekend. This trip he found me a box of unpainted wood items, everything from wood boxes, balls, little wood bowls with lids and just alot of other stuff. I can't WAIT to get started on them I have so many IdEAs already going through my head!!! And I also am going to have a GIVEAWAY in the near future!!! Have a creative day!!!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
is that I hear. Finally finished my Owl. He is made from papyclay. he is wearing a blue velvet cape with blue taffita over it. His orange necklace says "who who" and made from polymer clay. If you look close enough you can see his wings under the taffita. He stands about 6in. I know its been awhile since I added new pieces but family life is a bit in turmoil so not much time in the studio for me.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
can you say WhO WhO.....
well he is a "peek" at my paperclay owl that I have been working on for weeks. He is almost complete. I will finish him today!!!
Here is a watercan I painted with a TerryE French design. Normally I do not paint chickens or rooster but I really like how this turned out!! Inside the watercan are assorted dryed flowers with little eggs. Both of these items will be going on E-Bay sometime this week!!!!
I hope everyone is having a productive weekend!! Sorry it took me so long to post pics but "that thing called life" interupts my studio time alot lately!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ok so I got a start on a new MaKeOvEr for my blog, not quite how I want it yet. Have some more playing to do but I'm starting to get a headache so I am done for right now. Need to go grocery shopping(JOY) and then its into the studio for me. I started 3 new paperclay sculpts and they are dry and ready to paint. BUT I guess feeding the family comes first....OY!!!!
P.s please leave me a comment and let me know how you like the new look so far!!! Thanks
P.s please leave me a comment and let me know how you like the new look so far!!! Thanks
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
ugh!!! cOmPutErs
Hi all....I haven't posted in awhile and I try to keep my PeRSOnAL life away from my blog. I started my blog to sHoWCaSe my work and that was it. Unfortunatly my personal life has taken over my creative life. The last few months have consisted of taking care of my father-in-law 24/7 and we are also going through a rough patch with my mother-in-law and trying to get her into assissted living. Since it is basically ONLY Skip and myself that are doing all of this alone, it causes alot of stress which in turn puts my "studio" time on hold. If I am under stress I can not focus or CoNcENtRatE on my work. Which is putting me into a depressive state, because I love creating art!!! I am however going to TRY and work on my blog and learn how to do all the fancy stuff I see on everyones blogs. Mine is just kinda plain and since not a lot of people know my work I am going through my files and plan on putting my past work on the blog. Any suggestions or advice would be great!!! So PLEASE bare with me through this transition.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Finally did it......
Yes I finally have some items in my Etsy shop. I don't know why it took me so long, its super easy!!!! Now I just need to go get some measurements and I will be posting items all day. So please show me some support and check it out!!!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day.....
Hope all the great mothers out there have a great day!!! enjoy your kids no one is ever promised tommorrow!!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Some people have been asking where I have been. We have been pretty busy with Family. But I need to get back in the studio. I have several pieces I have finished and previewed on my blog but have not put them on E-bay as of yet!!! I am however going to work on that this weekend hopefully if nothing comes up.
They are finally moving mom to heartland rehab today!!! She will probably no doubt stay there. Please bare with me as I try to get back to "normal".
They are finally moving mom to heartland rehab today!!! She will probably no doubt stay there. Please bare with me as I try to get back to "normal".
Saturday, April 24, 2010
for the lack of posts and new art but things around here have become very hectic. Many of you know that we take care of my father-in-law 24/7. He was living at his own home with mom but mom had to go to the hospital for a pacemaker 3 weeks ago which we thought went very well. 2 days after surgery we got a call from the ER that they were doing CPR on her. She went at least 4-5min without oxygen. She was in an induced coma for almost a week and just started waking up and talking somewhat but is still very touch and go. We have moved Dad to our house and he is doing very well. But for right now I, unfortunatly have no desire to be in the studio. I hope that everyone understands this. I do however have some pieces I will be posting on e-bay during the week. I have been trying to support my husband as best I can. Thank you for understanding!! Hope to be back soon!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
is in the air....then it goes away.....THEN it comes back! Yes I live in MiChIgAn(wait 5min and the weather will change). Below is a lil chicky I made from Polymer clay, added a felt hat with glitter and a Pink jewel hanging from it. He is sitting on a antique spoon with purple wire wrapped around the handle and a polymer clay purple flower that reads "chicky"
Here is another antique spoon(3in X1in) with polymer clay sugar cubes and a polymer clay flower that reads "sugar"
Monday, March 15, 2010
Finished up some projects in the studio friday!!! The lil guy below is a polymer clay snowman on parade!! I took a metal candel holder and removed the glass and stuck the snowman inside, by the look on his face I don't think he was very happy about it. There are snowballs and polymer clay lollipops on the front.
This fella is happy not to be in a cage(giggle) He is all polymer clay. So is his reindeer.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Where is SpRiNG......
spring is in the air......I hope!!! This winter weather is taking its toll on me. I haven't been able to go in the studio like I want. Alot of family issues right now with My honeys parents and stress!!! I do have a few easter/spring items in the works though and I am hoping to make it to the studio today!! I have been scrolling my favorite blogs and it looks like everyone is in the SpRiNG "mode". Will hopefully be able to post new work soon.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Been pretty busy here!!! Had some more hospital visits. Mom ended up in the hospital this time with a bad infection so we had to scramble to get dad somewhere, he is 24 hr care and on hospice. We managed to get him into a hospice house for a few days until mom was released from the hospital. So NOW everything is a bit quieter here. I managed to make it in the studio Monday and finsihed sculpting a bunny out of paperclay. Hopefully I will have him done by the weekend and I can put all my new work on ebay.
On another note I have also been working on our new group:
This is our paranormal site on facebook. Bay city paranormal research society. I hope you can take a minute and check it out.
On another note I have also been working on our new group:
This is our paranormal site on facebook. Bay city paranormal research society. I hope you can take a minute and check it out.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
feeling a bit SpRinGy....
Here are ThReE spring items I finished up the other day. They are all Terrye French designs!!!
The chicky in the water can is made from polymer clay. There is also some light glitter around the top of the can, it doesn't show up very good!!

This wallpocket is painted with my favorite color. The carrots inside are also made from polymer clay. You can see some of the glitter on this one. This is my favorite one!!
The chicky in the water can is made from polymer clay. There is also some light glitter around the top of the can, it doesn't show up very good!!
This wallpocket is painted with my favorite color. The carrots inside are also made from polymer clay. You can see some of the glitter on this one. This is my favorite one!!
Friday, February 5, 2010
back in the grOoOve....
yeah YEAH yeah.....went into the studio a few days ago and finished.....well I didn't FiNish them yet, but I am on my way. I went to Jo-Ann's today to get some PaPeRClAy but NOOOO they don't carry it anymore. I did pick up some pastel ribbon and some spring-eastery florals. I went to Hobby Lobby for the paperclay. So I plan on going in the studio tommorrow to finish my 3 spring items. So look for new pics in the next few days. I also plan on sculpting some spring bunnies and chicks. Boy its good to be BaCk!!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Keeping head above water....
is hard to do when there's a flood. Dad was rushed back to the hospital last week with breathing problems and irregular heart beats. He is DNR so they just made him comfortable. We finally got hospice set up and he came home a few days ago. We all know it will only be a matter of time before he goes "home". He is ready to go and understands everything that is going on. I have not been in the studio for almost 2 weeks now. I just don't feel very creative at this point. So there will be some slacking on my part as far as posts and new art. Please bare with me.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Etsy shop....
well I started on my etsy shop yesturday but didn't get very far! As I started going through all my files on the PC I discovered that I had pics all over the place so I am trying to consolidate them all into one file......what a mess!! I also need to take some new pics of my stuff because some of the ones I have are not the greatest...UGH!!! But I will be working on this all week and hopefully....HoPEfUllY, I will have my shop stocked with all my goodies!! so hang in there I'm working on it!!!
I am also going to work on doing a FaCE liFt for my blog. I am learning as I go!!
Hope everyone is having a creative week and praying for sPrInG!!!
I am also going to work on doing a FaCE liFt for my blog. I am learning as I go!!
Hope everyone is having a creative week and praying for sPrInG!!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Finally had a break from the hospital to list 3 items on E-bay!! Make sure to check them out, as always they are priced to sell.
Thank you and god bless!!
Thank you and god bless!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Bring it on.....
Things just keep getting better!! After everything that has happened last week I thought things would start looking better...NOT!! Dad had another heart attack friday night and almost died. His heart is wearing out and it won't be much longer. They have him on an IV drip to control his heart beat. They will put him on an oral med today to see how his heart responds. Right now its just a waiting game. I have not been able to list my e-bay items. We have been up to the CCU all weekend. As soon as I am able to list I will put the link on my blog.
Friday, January 15, 2010
SanTa and BunnYs...
I finally finished my SaNTa that I started months ago! He is made out of paperclay. His face was sculpted from polymer clay. I LoVe how he turned out.
My BuNny Bucket is a Terrye French design. I added my own touches to the design. On the side of the bucket I added a white bow with two polymer clay carrots.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Happy New WHAT!!!!
Boy has this year been a bUmpY ride already!! I couldn't wait to go pick my daughter up from the airport on wednesday, I was so excited!! Unfortunatly I was unable to go!!! Tuesday night I was in the hOsPital with the flu. I was sick all week. Thursday we had a snow storm with 7in of snow. My daughter had class that night. I didn't want her to drive in that mess so I was going to drive her Kia, which I nEvEr drive!! Well I lost control of it and after bouncing around on the bridge like a piNbAll we came to rest on the mediun of the bridge. Not a good place to be. We were ok and managed not to hit anyone. Her jeep was towed home. The only damage was a blown out tire and a broken tranny line. THANK GOD!!!
Sunday we did manage to celebrate ChRiStmAs and it was a good day! So now that I feel better and can actually function I plan on being in the studio. I also will be opening my EtSy sHop, so stay tuned!!
Sunday we did manage to celebrate ChRiStmAs and it was a good day! So now that I feel better and can actually function I plan on being in the studio. I also will be opening my EtSy sHop, so stay tuned!!
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