with my sled today and I love how it turned out. I want to keep it!!!
BUT I already have
WAY too much CHriStmAs stuff the way it is. The santa is one of Terrye French's design that I added my own touch too. I made his beard out of paperclay and I think it adds dimension to the piece. I added some moss, berries, grapevine,cinnamon sticks and pine cones to the top and hanging off to the side is a star ornie. I am obsessed with
CINNAMON!! I use it on everything I make, I love the smell. It was hard not to add sparklies to this piece but I wanted a more prim look.

I put my
SANTA egg in a enamelware cup and added some rusty bells, polymer clay candy canes and a red glitter ribbon. Added sparkles to this one.
Last year I made a few sets of these lil
MICE writing a note to santa. The mouse is made from polymer clay and has a scarf tied around his neck with, what else? CINNAMON rubbed on it. The note reads>>>
Dear Santa I love you I have been very good I have many sisters and brothers what I would like for Christmas is CHEESE for my family I wanted the paper to look used and like the lil guy found it, so I watered down some brown paint and washed the paper with it and I made a few cup rings and smears also. I hope everyone had a wonderful day.ToOdlEs